Spiritual Drawings

Put the cursor on the picture to read their stories.

My Drawings. It all started suddenly.

In 2002 I took “Psychic Children” Course with James Twyman.

At the beginning of the course, each of participants was supposed to connect
with the energy of the physic child who was willing to work with us.
When I connected with the energy of the boy, the energy came with a full
story, name and a picture. It was a total surprise. On an impulse, I turned over
the flyer I had on my desk and traced the child’s face, which was “looking” at
me from a blank page.

I remember I wasn’t happy how one eye came out, so I erased it and
attempted to “improve” the picture. It was a very silly idea. I didn’t realize that
when I came out of the trance I couldn’t draw.  After that initial experience, I
let the drawings the way they were coming without interfering.

And the images kept coming. Some of the faces came with a story, some
quietly.  Some of them were loving and cheerful, some- dramatic and scary.

Now I have around 1000 drawings in my collection. Most of them are the size
of the palm or even smaller. Among them are my personal Guides, pictures of
me in different incarnation and people who I recognized in my present life.

Sometimes I draw the picture long before I actually meet the person on that
picture. For some mysterious reasons I had to put a date.

Thus I drew the picture of my husband six months prior to our actual meeting.
Then, there was a moment of recognition.

There are many pictures intended for other people. I am just drawing them,
give them a chance to been seen, to be recognized.

Please, join the conversation.
What is your feeling or impression of that character?
What memories does this image evoke?
When you look at this face, what do you see?

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7 years ago

Let’s see how does it work and where it will go

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