Professional services

As a hypnotherapist with specialties in Regression work, “Past Life”,  “Life Between Lives” therapies and Hypnosis for fertility  I can offer you  inside information about these modalities, explain “How to”,  “What to expect”  and take away some of  the mystery of this work.

Click on the links below to visit my professional websites:

Adventure into Time and Beyond  ~  is dedicated to hypnosis, regression work, Past Lives and Life Between Lives Spiritual regressions hypnotherapy.

Hypno-Fertility BC  ~  is dedicated to hypnosis for Fertility and Childbirth. Recently I partook in further studies with James Schwartz, an author of the book and a founder of this method “Mind Body Fertility connection” and added his techniques to my existing practice.

 Heart Resonance Therapy ~ is a new form of an energy healing that is simple, yet so powerful.

  Soul Body Alliance© Method Creates alignment of the   conscious-self with the soul’s path and purpose.

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