Entries by Rifa Hodgson

Discover Your Soul’s Connections

Series of 3 experiential workshops by Rifa Hodgson Re-discover your Gifts & Talents March 27, 2018 Find out who you were in your past lifetime, and how the abilities and talents of that life are surfacing today. This may help you to open up a new dimension in your Self and create positive changes that […]

Library of Akashic Soul’s Records

ADVENTURE INTO TIME AND BEYOUND With Rifa Hodgson Presents Library of Akashic Soul’s Records Each of us has a personal record of every deed, thought, dreams and lessons of   the entire existence of our Souls. When we access the records, Karmic lessons and repercussion become obvious. Karmic ties become clear. HAVE YOU EVER ASKED […]

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Small Steps

Life is worth living. Life is full of surprises, excitements, discoveries. Pack your bags, explore. Don’t be afraid. You are safe. Just allow yourself to make another step, doesn’t matter how small it will be, to go a bit further. Be daring in your small steps. You can do it. Do it now … And then… What […]


Your Mother and You

You and your Mother What if I tell You, that You actually have chosen your mother before your birth. Most likely, You have several candidates, but You picked her. And she agreed. You have chosen your future mother, because of her character genetics, environment etc. because this setting was the best for You, she was […]

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The Point of Stillness

Where could we go when there is nowhere to go? Nowhere we could go and nothing we can do. It feels that we are surrounded. It feels like we are defeated. Is there a place for us to go then? Yes, there is. Inside ourselves. We go inside ourselves, deeper and deeper, until we reach […]